Helpful words about weddings in Thailand
and Honeymoons in a tropical paradise.

It's always good to hear what others have to say
Read what our clients had to say about their experiences

Kathryn and Daniel Dent

Many thanks! Our wedding most definitely was everything we dreamed of and more! We look forward to receiving our marriage certificate translation and will let you know when it arrives.

Thank you so much for all your help over the last year and a bit, it really has made all the difference.

Natasha was a huge help in gathering information about different venue options and more specific details about the short-listed hotels. She was also brilliant at chasing up when necessary. It was also a huge help to have someone in Bangkok to sort out all the legalities, it took all the stress out of the preparations and made such a difference. It was so nice to not really have to think about this side of things once we arrived. I think the service that is offered is fantastic. The main thing is finding a venue and for that CEA is already exceptional. We both felt that our wedding was everything we wanted. As soon as we arrived in Thailand, any stress we had just melted. We knew everything was under control, and that we had a local contact to help with any unexpected surprises. We are both confident travelers but for planning a wedding having someone locally based to help gather information and translate our vision was hugely appreciated

Wedding Location: Rayavadee Resort and Spa, Krabi, Thailand

Wedding Date: 12/01/09


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