Helpful words about weddings in Thailand
and Honeymoons in a tropical paradise.

It's always good to hear what others have to say
Read what our clients had to say about their experiences

Michelle and Matthew

Firstly I would like to thank you for all of your assistance with our wedding, I know it would not have been as easy as it was without you. It was fantastic to know there was always someone there to assist with my questions and to follow up on matters that I was unable to follow up on myself.
The Racha were fantastic to. The resort is amazing and all of the team there are fantastic, I can’t fault them on anything. They really went above and beyond to make our wedding and stay perfect.
The lead up to the wedding day was fantastic, there was nothing we had to do and there was nothing to stress about, the team at the Racha did a fantastic job with the wedding ceremony, cake, photos and reception. (as well as everything else)The team even went out of their way to assist in getting one of my relatives who fell ill to the wedding on the day, they sent a golf cart to collect him and return him to his room after the wedding, as he was refusing to miss it.
Overall it was a fantastic for everyone involved in our wedding, many of our guests have commented to the resort and how they would like to go there again.
I just wanted to thank you again for your assistance.
Wedding Venue: The Racha Phuket
Wedding date: 25/10/12

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